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    Tillverkare: Gibson

    Gibson Les Paul Modern Graphite Top

    37.399,00 kr

    Les Paul Modern, här i den läckra färgen Graphite Top, är en 6-strängad elgitarr i Gibsons Modern-serie. Gitarren har kropp i mahogny, topp i lönn, hals i mahogny, greppbräda i ebenholts samt kromad hardware. Mikrofoner: Burstbucker Pro Rhythm och Burstbucker Pro + Lead, båda med coil-tap. Levereras komplett med ett Gibson Hard Shell Case samt Accessory Kit.


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    Artikelnr: 348617
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    Kontakta Gustav eller Joakim så hjälper de dig!
     E-post   031-711 47 11


    The new Gibson Les Paul™ Modern incorporates many contemporary updates that players have embraced, such as a lighter-weight body and innovative SlimTaper™ neck with an asymmetrical profile. The Modern fingerboard is crafted with genuine ebony and a compound radius for lower and cleaner action. The neck/body joint features the new Modern Contoured Heel for effortless access to the highest frets as well as maximum sustain and stability. Hardware upgrades include Grover® locking Rotomatic® tuners, clear Top Hat knobs, and Burstbucker Pro™ and Burstbucker Pro + pickups. The control assembly features 4 push-pull pots to switch between the Gibson™ humbucker™ and the single coil P-90 sounds, both of which have defined so many genres of music across multiple generations since we invented them, phase switching and pure bypass for functional and versatile sonic variety. The new Gibson Les Paul Modern is here to shape sound for future generations.

    Träslag Kropp Mahogny
    Träslag Topp Lönn
    Träslag Hals Mahogny
    Träslag Greppbräda Ebenholts
    Inkl. bag/case Gibson Hard Shell Case
    Tillverkarens produktsida https://www.gibson.com/Guitar/USAQ17249/Les-Paul-Modern/Graphite-Top

    The new Gibson Les Paul™ Modern incorporates many contemporary updates that players have embraced, such as a lighter-weight body and innovative SlimTaper™ neck with an asymmetrical profile. The Modern fingerboard is crafted with genuine ebony and a compound radius for lower and cleaner action. The neck/body joint features the new Modern Contoured Heel for effortless access to the highest frets as well as maximum sustain and stability. Hardware upgrades include Grover® locking Rotomatic® tuners, clear Top Hat knobs, and Burstbucker Pro™ and Burstbucker Pro + pickups. The control assembly features 4 push-pull pots to switch between the Gibson™ humbucker™ and the single coil P-90 sounds, both of which have defined so many genres of music across multiple generations since we invented them, phase switching and pure bypass for functional and versatile sonic variety. The new Gibson Les Paul Modern is here to shape sound for future generations.

    Träslag Kropp Mahogny
    Träslag Topp Lönn
    Träslag Hals Mahogny
    Träslag Greppbräda Ebenholts
    Inkl. bag/case Gibson Hard Shell Case
    Tillverkarens produktsida https://www.gibson.com/Guitar/USAQ17249/Les-Paul-Modern/Graphite-Top

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